SmallTune 0.3

Free SmallTune it is easy to use and has a small Interface
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0.3.1 See all
Daniel Gilbert
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Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   788 KB

The main goals of SmallTune were (and still are):
-Small Interface
-Single Playlist
-Easy to use
-Automatic hiding
-Play Internetstreams
SmallTune can be used:
-on a USB-Stick: Click "Yes"
-in a Folder, where you can write (e.g. create files) and you are the only user on this system: Click "Yes"
-in a Folder, where you can write, but you are not the only user on this system: Click "No"
-in a Folder, where you cannot write: Click "No".
As of Windows 7, Notification Icons are not visible per default. To show them permanently, you have to click on the little up-arrow on the Taskbar and modify the settings.
Adding Files and Folders is simple: Just click with the right mouse button on the notification icon and choose either "Add file(s)..." or "Add folder(s)...". The Musicfiles will be read an written to the DB.
Open the playlist by either clicking on "Playlist..." or on the magnifier in the application window. You can now doubleclick a song of your choice. The Playlist Window will close and the selected file will be played.
To delete a file from the Playlist, simply select the entry an hit the Delete Key ("DEL") on your keyboard (German: "Entf").
Just go to the Menu and select "INet-Radio". A submenu will pop up, showing some categories. You can then select your favorit category and then your station.



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